Protecting Your Brand - The Trademark Registration Process
What is a trademark?
Trademark protects a word, a series of words, a logo or a logo and words that together serve to identify your heart-leading enterprise. Unlike Copyright, trademark protection is not automatic. Instead, you must register with your jurisdiction’s intellectual property office.
How do I get one?
Registering for trademark protection isn’t always easy. Start out by asking yourself: would I benefit from trademark registration? If you’re simply not attached to your logo or business name or if you’re not yet sure about what your enterprise will offer, you may decide to wait. And that’s totally cool. If that’s not the case and depending on your jurisdiction, the following steps outline what the registry will generally ask of you:
After you hit that submit button, the registry will take 12-18 months to conduct a full search, to publish your name in the ™ catalogue, and to honor any disputes that may arise. However, when you receive your trademark protection at the end of this process, the protection will work retroactively to cover anything arising in those 12-18 months.
What can I do in the meantime?
If you’re thinking about registering for trademark protection, you’re being proactive, which is really the goal here. By registering, not only are you claiming your logo or business name, but you’re preparing in case you are challenged on its ownership down the road. If you are challenged, your best evidence is a registration with a narrow intended use plus proof of date of first use. We LOVE helping heart-leading entrepreneurs get their names and logos trademarked. Let us make this process simple and pain-free for you. Drop us a line at for more information.
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